Android vs iOS

September 19, 2021

Say hello to our operating system ninjas: Android and iOS

We all want a smartphone that suits our style and needs, but with so many choices out there, it can be hard to decide which one to pick. Fear no more! We’ve got your back! In this blog post, we’re going to compare the two heavyweight players in the smartphone market: Android and iOS.

The basics: What are Android and iOS?

Android is Google’s mobile operating system that runs on many different smartphones and tablets, while iOS is Apple’s mobile operating system that is exclusive to iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches.

User experience

When it comes to user interface, both operating systems have come a long way in terms of design, features, and customization options. Android devices offer more flexibility and freedom, allowing users to customize their devices in ways that iOS doesn't allow. On the other hand, iOS keeps a consistent and intuitive design, which is perfect for those who want a straightforward and easy-to-use system.

App Store

The App Store and Google Play Store are the two major platforms where users can download apps. Apple's App Store is known for its strict guidelines and high-quality standards, while Google Play Store is more lenient when it comes to app quality. However, in terms of numbers, Google Play Store has more apps available for download than Apple's App Store.

Here are some relevant comparisons between the two:

Apple App Store Google Play Store
Number of Apps 2.2 million 3.5 million
Avg. App Price $0.99 $0.98
Free Apps 93.5% 95.6%
Games Yes Yes
Apps with Ads 30.2% 34.9%
Apps with In-Apps 10.6% 5.2%


Since Android is open-source, its vulnerabilities are often exploited by hackers to create malware and other malicious software. To counter that, Google frequently releases security patches, although the deployment of those patches is dependent on device manufacturers and carriers. Meanwhile, iOS is known for its strict security protocols, including hardware encryption, app sandboxing, and frequent security updates.

Software updates

Software updates are essential for performance improvements, bug fixes, and new features, and both Android and iOS provide them regularly. However, because Android is open-source, manufacturers often release software updates later or not at all, leaving older devices vulnerable to security threats. In contrast, iOS only runs on Apple hardware, which makes it easier for Apple to release software updates uniformly across all devices.

Price range

The price of a device is a crucial factor when buying a smartphone. iOS devices (iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches) are known for their premium price range, while Android devices are known for their wide range of prices, from budget devices to flagship devices.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, both iOS and Android have their strengths and weaknesses. iOS is ideal for those who want a simple and secure system that receives timely software updates, while Android is perfect for tech enthusiasts who care about customizability and want a wide range of devices to choose from. It all comes down to individual preferences, needs, and budget.


Statista: Number of apps available in leading app stores as of 2nd quarter 2021

The Manifest: How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Mobile App?

TechJury: Google Play Store Statistics

Comparitech: Mobile security guide: everything you need to know

Android Authority: Android updates tracker: When will your phone get it? (Updated September 1)

Apple Support: Get iOS 15

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